Mutoko residents have come out guns blazing attacking the Zanu PF led Rural District Council for massive corruption and gross incompetence amid revelations that the acting CEO is hand picking cronies for tenders.

The RDC’s Residents Association official Mr Stanford Maguma allege that corruption has hit unprecedented levels in the town situated some150 kilometres from Harare.

“As residents of mutoko we are currently disturbed by the rate of corruption and nepotism being done by the current self appointed acting CEO of the council Mr Samson Zulu who is corruptly awarding tenders to undeserving and unregistered individuals.

“Recently he awarded maintenance of Oliver Newton Rd to the current ward 20 councillor Robert Jembere who then hand picked 10 youths both of them unexperienced and unqualified to do maintanance,” he said.

Mr Maguma said the shoddy job was being supervised by the acting CEO’s loyalists who also happen to be the friends of former CEO who is facing charges of corruption together with Mukweke Enoch.

“Council is loosing a lot of money due to corruption were Mr Zulu is deliberately sending council machinery and cars for service to briefcase companies where he is conniving with one Peter Ranganai to provide service and over charge the council in a deal for them to share the spoils,” he said.

Investigations by this publication show that Mr Peter Ranganai is an artisan mechanic who holds no any qualification in mechanical engineering but the council has a qualified mechanic who is on council pay roll.

Our news crew also captured on camera a council vehicle being repaired under the tree where there is no workshop.

Another notable thing observed was a poor drainage system that was reported to have costed thousands to dig.

Mr Zulu was unavailable for a comment yesterday as his mobile number was unreachable.