Marry Mubaiwa, former wife to Zimbabwe Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, had her right arm amputated on Friday at a private hospital in Harare.

A picture circulating on social media showing the former model in hospital has since gone viral.

The picture was also shared online by law expert, Advocate Thabani Mpofu this Monday.

He commented:

Search your judicial conscience. Did you do right by this child, a child made in the image of God? This blight, this moral stain, can never be washed away. Never, ever! Let me withhold my curse, for I also am a man of sin. Asi kozowa rinhi Tenzi?

Ichi chazonyatsondisvikira panorwadza pangu. Haaaaaaa. Aiwa. Ngidabukile.

A former beauty model, Marry was at one time married to former Zimbabwe striker Shingi Kaondera. She left him for Chiwenga during a difficult time for the footballer after the former army general reportedly paid US$50000 for her.

Kaondera was Mubaiwa’s second marriage after she reportedly left a Harare businessman for the Zimbabwe Warriors legend.