Boxer Charles Manyuchi claimed a unanimous decision (UD) victory over Uganda’s Mahommed Sebyala to defend his WBF world middleweight title in Masvingo on Saturday evening.

The 31-year-old boxer also walked away with the WABA World Supreme and World Professional Boxing Federation titles.

Manyuchi claimed a 3-0 win with all the three judges going for the Zimbabwean on 116-110 and an identical 117-109.

This was his first fight in over 15 months and it was showing right from the first bell.

Sebyala offered stern resistance and denied Manyuchi from finishing him off within distance. Manyuchi saluted the Government for allowing his bout to go ahead.

“I would like to salute all Zimbaweans. I am happy for the win. It was a tough fight but I am happy,” said Manyuchi.

“I also was to salute the Government for allowing this bout to go ahead. I am more than happy.”

Manyuchi’s next port of call will be in the United Arab Emirates in August. -The Herald