Tinashe Zisengwe

A man from Chipinge defied cultural norms and customs after stealing from his mother in-law whom he accused of failing to pay back his money.

“Your worship my mother-in-law Mazvida Sigauke owes me a large amount of money which she borrowed some years back.

“l noticed that she could not pay back and this prompted me to take her property which l sold  to recover my dues,” said Johane Sango before local Magistrate Poterai Gwezhira.

Prosecuting Witness Nyamundaya said Sango went to Sigauke’s place knowing that she was not around and forcibly broke her door using an iron bar.

He then stole property valued at R 100 000 and went away unnoticed.

Sometime in April Sigauke positively identified Netsai Chuitovole wearing her stolen blue jacket and interrogated her.

She confirmed that she had bought it from Sango and the matter was reported to the police leading to Sango’s arrest.

Police recovered R 60 000 goods so far.

He was remanded in custody for sentence next week.