MANICALAND: Zimbabwe Republic Police Mutare haS launched a manhunt for a possessive husband who butchered to death an innocent passer-by after accusing him of courting his wife.
Angel Ndafira (37) of Number 4, View House near OTS Section in Sakubva, who is now at large, turned devils’ agent when he fatally assaulted Mathew Matinye (38) using stones and unidentified weapons.
Matinye was passing by Ndafira’s home on his way from work around 11pm when he met Ndafira who had just arrived home. A brawl ensued as Ndafira accused Matinye of courting his wife in his absence.
Manicaland Police spokesperson, Inspector Tavhiringwa Kakohwa said: “Mathew Matinye was passing by Angel Ndafira’s home on his way from work around 11pm. Ndafira was in the company of his employee identified as Knowledge Nhokwara. A brawl ensued as Ndafira accused Matinye of courting his wife and questioning what Matinye was doing at the formers’ home at that time.
“Nhokwara is said to have left the two fighting. It is alleged that Matinye was overpowered and heavily assaulted using stones that were seen at the scene the next day. The accused (Ndafira) fled after also assaulting his wife. Anyone with knowledge on his whereabouts may contact the police,” said Insp Kakohwa.
He urged members of the public to refrain from violence.
“We are witnessing more of these violent scenes in the province that result in unnecessary loss of lives. We are appealing to members of the public to solve their problems amicably without resorting to violence,” said Insp Kakohwa.
In an interview at her home on Monday morning, Ndafira’s wife, a visibly shaken Tabeth Mkaya, whose jersey had blood stains, said she does not understand why her husband behaved in that manner.
“I really do not know why he behaved in that manner. All I remember is that he came around 11pm and knocked on the door. When I opened he was in the company of his workmate. He refused to get inside and I heard them fighting, but could not really establish the reason behind the fight at that time.
“He later came inside and assaulted me saying he wanted to kill me. I struggled to escape, but I managed and ran straight to a neighbour who is also a relative who let me in her house. I later told the relative that I needed to go and close windows and doors since I was not sure he was still there.
“When I was closing windows, he bolted in and continued assaulting me. He said he wanted to kill me since he had also killed the man I was cheating with. I screamed for help and managed to escape again. I really cannot tell the basis of his suspicion that I was cheating on him with a stranger,” she said.
A neighbour, Mr Clever Mparutsa, said although he was not there when the fateful incident occurred, he knew the late Matinye as he frequently used a footpath near their house each time he was going or coming from work.
“I knew Matinye. We were so close and at times he identified himself as my son. He always used a footpath near our houses each time he was going or coming from work.
“I really do not understand why he (Ndafira) behaved in that manner. The young man (Matinye) was not in love with Ndafira’s wife. He never even asked her out. I wish I had been around when this happened as I could have restrained him,” said Muparutsa. manica