If there’s one political personality whom I do not want to be in their shoes right now, that person could only be Kandros Mugabe, the Zanu PF parliamentary candidate for Kwekwe Central Constituency in the 2018 elections!

Indeed, Kandros Mugabe, who fronts the Zvipo ZveMweya Apostolic Church in Kwekwe, munhu waMwari chaiye-chaiye.

For how on Planet Earth do you explain this to Mambara?

Kandros, who had the support of most ruling party supporters and others from the opposition establishment for his philanthropic activities in President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s hometown of Kwekwe was unjustifiably and inexplicably disqualified from contesting in the August 23 elections.

Yet, no substantial reason was given by the party to explain his disqualification from contesting on a Zanu PF ticket- not even a letter communicating the reasons why former state security minister Owen ‘Mudha’ Ncube’s nephew, Dhala, was given the preference to represent the Party in his stead.

Pane chavanomuvengera Kandros uyu and for lack of editorial space, Mambara will only delve on some of the reasons why they do not want the man-of-the-cloth to contest in Kwekwe Central.

  • The Big Boys fear his influence could render them ineffective in the town

There’s a school-of-thought which says that the Mudha and July Moyo teams want to maintain their influence in Kwekwe and it is for this reason that they opted for a candidate who, if elected into office, will not disturb their influence.

Dhala is, therefore, their project and will not disturb their quest to have maximum control of the Party’s affairs in the town.

  • It matters less if Zanu PF loses to the Opposition in Kwekwe Central

According to impeccable sources privy to the goings-on in the ruling Zanu PF, the party does not care whether the Opposition retains the Kwekwe Central Seat.

To them (ED’s blue-eyed boys), the Kwekwe seat is safer in the hands of the Opposition than in Kandros Mugabe’s hands. They want someone who is prepared to pander to their whims- a trait which does not characterize Mugabe. No wonder why they orchestrated the dismissal of the late former Kwekwe MP, Masango ‘Blackman’ Matambanadzo from the Party despite the fact that he, just like Kandros, enjoyed much support from the majority of the people in the Midlands mining town.

Blackman, who was the seating MP at the time, ended up joining the National Patriotic Front and made history by becoming the only NPF candidate to win in the 2018 elections.

But, unlike Blackman, Mugabe anoratidza kuti haazvikwanise zvekubuda mu Zanu PF and has played down calls for him to contest on an independent ticket.

He has, instead, vowed to support Dhala, who has been taking every opportunity to spew vitriol on the Zvipo ZveMweya clergyman.

But, if you happen to ask Mambara, anokuudza kuti panorema kuti Dhala achitore chitanda chemu Kwekwe Central.

Zvimwe zvacho zvinoda kutanga watombobhabhatidzwa kudzinga dhimoni rekahutsinye-tsinye.

Till next time, Mambara says Good-bye!!
