Mai Denzel, who was previously embroiled in a scandal earlier this year, sat down for an exclusive interview with Star FM presenter DJ Ollah 7 on Wednesday. The scandal involved her ex-boyfriend sending nude pictures of her to her husband, which caused significant public embarrassment.

During the interview, Mai Denzel had the opportunity to set the record straight and denied being involved in adulterous relationships with two men. She also dismissed the claim that the nude pictures that went viral online were of her.

Aside from addressing the scandal, Mai Denzel revealed some exclusive facts about herself that were not previously known to the public. For example, she was born on February 27, 1995, making her 28 years old, and is the second of three daughters in her family. She also shared that she and her partner, Baba Denzel, have two sons together and that her totem is Mhofu (Eland), which makes her a Chihera. Although they have been together for thirteen years, they are not married in either a customary or legal sense.