A television channel run on DStv (281) by controversial Zimbabwean Prophetic Walter Magaya, who leads the Prophetic Healing and Deliverance church in Harare, is closing down with effect from today.

A notice on DStv confirms that, but does not give reasons for it.

The Yadah TV channel was mostly used to promote Magaya’s religious activities, fake healing powers and robbing the public through tithing secured via snake oil sermons, deceit and lies.

Magaya has been exposed as a false prophet who promised fake healing; who has no O-Level qualifications; no diploma or honorary PhD from the University of South Africa which he claimed to be its alumnus (he is now under investigation for that); and who also lied that he had discovered a cure for HIV/Aids.

Magaya was also accused of rape by one of the congregants and indicted, but the case has not gone to trial and seems to have been swept under the carpet.

His religious career record reeks of controversy, forgery and lies.
