Prophet Walter Magaya was left scratching his head after rape victim raised new evidence which is now being looked at by state prosecutors before a new trial date is set.

Magaya has been asking for a quick trial so he can get over the issue and move on with life.

But he was  shocked when told that the complainant has provided prosecutors with a bunch of fresh evidence which is likely to be used to prove Magaya guilty of rape.

After the woman provided fresh evidence, police are now carrying out further investigations before they call Magaya for a full public trial.

The defence team challenged the further postponement of the proceedings on the basis that during the last hearing on the 15th of September the state had made an undertaking to provide a trial date.

The next hearing will be on e 21st of October 2016.

Magaya has been reporting weekly to Harare Central Police and will now be going there once every month  until a time when he finally faces a judge on the case reported by a female congregant from his PHD church.

If found guilty, he will spend the next ten years behind bars at Chikurubi Maximum  Prison.