Zimbabwe police have given greenlight for the final party to be thrown in  honour of the late businessman Genius “Ginimbi” Kadungure this Friday. In the letter attached below, police warn mourners to “avoid violation of the corpse.”

It will be the second party at the Domboshava residence, about 30km on the northern outskirts of Harare, in the space of two months. The first was his 36th birthday party, when he spent at least $50,000 (about R780,000) to entertain 400 invited guests.

The upcoming one will be his funeral wake, a day before he is buried at his upmarket mansion.

Kadungure died instantly in an accident in the early hours of Sunday in his R5m Rolls-Royce Wraith which veered off the road and hit a tree before going up in flames. Three other people died in the crash.