An aspiring Zanu PF Councilor in Kwekwe has called upon the generality of Zimbabweans to ballot in favor of President Emmerson Mnangagwa in the next elections to be held in 2023, saying this was the only way that would see the landlocked southern African nation achieving the 78-year old’s signature Vision 2030.

Speaking to this publication at his residence in Amaveni this weekend, Blessing Murenga (main picture), who is a favorite to replace the late Kwekwe deputy mayor, Shadreck Tobaiwa in anticipated Ward 8 by-elections said he is a ‘firm proponent’ of Mnangagwa’s Vision 2030 which he said will rescue the country from the economic turmoil it currently finds itself in.

“I don’t really think that it is fair to think that for these few years that the president has been in power, the country would have become Paradise on Planet Earth,” Murenga, who is known in local circles as ‘Bhule Chikomo’ told this reporter.

“At least, he (Mnangagwa) has been trying to work towards realising a better nation for us all. Unlike other politicians, he hasn’t been promising us bullet trains and spaghetti roads. We must walk with him towards achieving Vision 2030 and brick-by-brick, we will be able to build a better nation for us all,” he said.

Added ‘Bhule Chikomo’:

“It takes an enlightened electorate for us to give the current president another chance at the helm because the damages that Zimbabwe has encountered require someone who is tried, tested and trusted to lead the country in 2023”.

In the disputed elections held in 2018, Mnangagwa controversially triumphed against main opposition MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa.

His party has already confirmed that he will represent the party as its presidential candidate in the forthcoming polls.

Mnangagwa assumed the reins of power in November 2017 following the dramatic political events which saw longtime leader Robert Mugabe being overthrown through a military-assisted transition.
