First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa has urged Zimbabwean youths to be responsible and disciplined in the wake of rising Covid-19 cases & deaths by heeding Government call to minimise movement in order to reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19.

She called on the youths stay home despite having the energy to go out and hustle for families.

“I want to deliver a special message to our youth. It is common knowledge that you carry the greatest energy to hustle and fend for the families. But you have seen your brother, your sister, your parent and grandparent, family friend succumbing to the deadly coronavirus.”

The First Lady says the country can only win the war against the pandemic by heeding the government call to stay at home.

“We can only reduce infection by being disciplined and heeding the call to stay at home as much as we should compel ourselves to practising the other measures that keep us safe with utmost determination,” she said.

“The pandemic is among us and is taking a heavy toll on us irrespective of position, political affiliation, status in society, race, tribe, sex or age. I thus call upon all to rise above things that divide us and unite to conquer,” she added.

“Allow me to reiterate that the solution to win against the pandemic is to unite behind the measures that have been set by Government.”

“Let us stay at home, let us mask up properly, let us practise utmost hygiene and observe social and physical distancing, meanwhile testing and isolating when positive, those that get sick being accorded co inmmunity support.

She said some of the cultural norms and practices have to change.

“Some of our customs in tending to the sick and sending off the dead have to change. We cannot afford to congregate neither can we console each other with handshakes, let alone touch the bodies of the departed.”
