A pedestrian plugging earphone piece has been crushed to death by a truck in Kadoma early in the morning on Friday.

The incident occurred in the town’s high density suburb of Rimuka at around 7 am.

Police say they will release the deceased’s name after advising his next of kin.

Eyewitnesses had mixed reactions over the accident.

“The driver is to blame considering that he was driving in a high density suburb and during peak hours he should have been extra cautious.

“The deceased’s head was crushed showing the intensity of the accident, if he had been driving at a reasonable speed after applying emergency brakes there would not have been a fatality,” said Mrs Annastancia Magidi.

Mr Tatenda Nketa said the pedestrian was to blame for plugging earphone piece on possibly full blast on one of the suburb’s busiest roads.

“The driver hooted several times, before finally applying emergency brakes this probably tells that the deceased earphone’s volume was on full blast as he failed to respond to the hooter.

“Without ruling off a possibility of the driver’s fault but had the volume of the earphone been low the late would have taken heed of the hooter,” he said.

Local reports have it that the both the deceased and driver resides in the same neighbourhood, Vengai Street, in Rimuka suburb.

This is not a unique case in Zimbabwe as motorists are facing hard times failing to give signals to pedestrians who are always plugging earphones on roads.
