The one million men march being organised by the Zanu PF G40 faction, Women and Party Youth leagues will be staged on the 25th of May.

The demonstration will occur in Harare.

The main purpose of the march is to show how the Grace Mugabe led G40 faction is popular among women and party youths.

This march has been received with caution by a large number of War Vets who see it as nothing but another effort to embarrass and minimise the influence of VP Mnangagwa and his Team Lacoste faction.

Mnangagwa got the shock of his life at the Workers Day celebrations when he found himself addressing an empty Rufaro Stadium.

The celebrations were sabotaged by key G40 players who saw it as an opportunity to put the embattled VP Mnangagwa at his right place.

Zanu PF  will also use the march to support  President Robert Mugabe as the party’s presidential candidate in the Zimbabwe 2018 general elections.

The One Million Men March will coincide with Africa Day.

The theme of the march is: ‘Youth March in Solidarity with Visionary and Iconic Leadership of President Mugabe’

zanu pf faction one million men march date 25 may against mnangagwa in factional wars