Team Mnangagwa mocks Saviour’s health crises

“The self-proclaimed Tyson can’t take media or demo blows, hospitalised BP 180/140,” Zanu PF Gokwe-Nembudziya lawmaker(Team Mnangagwa supporter)Justice Mayor Wadyajena told his Twitter followers.

While Kasukuwere was not answering his mobile phone yesterday, sources close to him claimed he was “fine”.

 “He is fine, he was only taken in for a test – that’s all,” a source close to Kasukuwere said.

However, another source claimed: “He was hospitalised at a private hospital (name withheld) in Harare last night (Monday) because of stress and high blood pressure.”

As conflicting statements over the issue flew around, Kasukuwere was said to have been released early yesterday morning before visiting the same facility again later in the day.

Kasukuwere’s younger brother, Tongai, a senior leader in the Zanu PF youth league, refused to comment, saying: “No comment on anything. It does not benefit me.”

Mugabe will preside over the ruling party’s politburo today and central committee on Friday, where he is expected to deal with Bulawayo Provincial Affairs minister Eunice Sandi-Moyo and Hurungwe East lawmaker Sarah Mahoka’s disciplinary issues as well as Kasukuwere’s case.

But it is the growing demands for Mugabe to expel Kasukuwere that could dominate.

“This is likely to take centre stage and given that the President has already spoken about it and indicated that it should be brought before the right forum, it means the politburo will likely discuss it,” a source said. News Day