Ailing Zimbabwe’s Vice President Constantino Chiwenga is reported to have banned his wife, Mary Chiwenga from visiting him in hospital amidst reports that his private information is being leaked to rivals in Zanu PF and government.

Chiwenga is currently in China where he is receiving medical attention. He is said to have sacked his security details and ordered Mary not to visit him again as he fears they were leaking information about his health to his political opponents including President Mnangagwa.

A reliable source who is also a close friend to the family said that Chiwenga no longer trust even his own wife.

The source said:

It should be understood that very little is coming out from China. It however appears that the decision to limit the information that is shared, and restricting the number of people who can see him, was taken in consultation with Chinese authorities.

One can only imagine this is linked to suspicions of poisoning. Until the source of the poison is established, access to him will be very limited, and it appears even his wife – for now at least – is not trusted. When you are gravely ill, it’s a natural expectation that your spouse should be around, but not so in this case and that’s not normal.

Chiwenga’s wife who has been seen at public and private fanctions in Harare, recenlty opened a sewage treatment plant in the capital.