An eight-year-old Zimbabwean girl from Kambira Village in Bindura who fell pregnant last year has delivered a bouncing baby girl.

The baby was delivered through a caesarian section which was performed today.

She gave birth at Bindura Provincial Hospital where a government gynaecologist has been closely monitoring the young victim of child sexual exploitation.

The girl attended Kambira Primary School as a student before leaving when she became pregnant.

Gibson Chigamha, the headmaster, asked that the child be sent to Bindura Hospital because he was not sure that her bloated stomach was the result of an illness.

This was after the school heard about the Tsholotsho case of a nine-year-old minor who gave birth last year.

Meanwhile, the nine-year-old girl from Tsholotsho who gave birth in November last year returned to school last week after she was certified fit and discharged by a specialist doctor.

This is in accordance with a care plan devised by the probation officer assigned to the case.

Government is set to cater for her fees and other educational requirements, while other stakeholders have also pledged to assist.

The minor also gave birth through caesarean section, which has been “healing well”.

She has been staying at a safe house since her story broke last year.

She was imprǝgnated by her 13-year-old cousin, contrary to initial reports that her father was responsible.

Matabeleland North provincial social development officer Mr Golden Mapanga said the girl will attend a new school and start Grade Four with other learners when schools open tomorrow.

The learning institution will not be disclosed to protect the minor from discrimination.

“Case conferencing was done over this matter. When we case conference, we bring together responsible stakeholders who make up what we call a best interests determination panel.

‘‘These people devise a plan of how a particular issue can be dealt with, and with the Tsholotsho case, this is what happened. The stakeholders met and discussed how to handle the matter,” he said.

Mr Mapanga said initially, it was not their wish for the minor to have been informed that she was carrying a baby.

During the initial case conference in Tsholotsho last year, it is said the issue of termination of prǝgnancy in accordance with Zimbabwean laws was discussed but fell through as there were various factors that made it unworkable.

state media