There’s a Shona adage which says, “Nyadzi dzinokunda rufu”, and this can be loosely translated to, “It is better to die than to succumb to shame”.

And, true to the adage, a Kwekwe man who could not withstand the shame that comes with the exposition of his gay relationship committed suicide barely a month after he wedded the love of his life.

The now deceased Tinashe Kasamba is reported to have taken a poisonous substance to kill himself and he is survived by his wife, Belma, whom he married a month ago.

Reports say Kasamba decided to off himself after he was caught in a compromising position with a male companion.

According to one version of events leading to his tragic demise, Kasamba committed suicide because he was living a double life.

“His friend needed attention and his wife needed attention as well, so the pressure became so unbearable. He was then caught sleeping with his friend and he decided to commit suicide because he did not have courage to face the world after the incident,” said a source who spoke to one local publication.

On the other hand, another version of events indicates that the now deceased Kasamba had accumulated debts to cover wedding expenses, and decided to cut off his life to escape the debts.

According to this version, Kasamba had hit a rough patch and could not pay back the people he owed. He did not leave behind any suicide note.

Contacted for comment on the suicide, Midlands provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko, said he was yet to receive the report from the Kwekwe office.
