There was horror in Kwekwe last Thursday evening after a scarless body of an unidentified man was discovered by vendors in a public toilet close to the long distance bus terminus in the central business district.

According to the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Officer Commanding Kwekwe Chief Superintendent Conrad Mubaiwa, the body which was in an advanced stage of decomposition has since been transferred to Bulawayo for postmortem to establish the cause of death.

Despite having been discovered last Thursday evening, Chief Superintendent Mubaiwa said, the body was removed from the toilet the following morning as police wanted to ensure observance of Covid19 precautions.

“It is true there was a body of a man that was discovered in a toilet at the long-distance bus terminus near the farmer’s market.

The body was discovered on Thursday evening but was only removed on Friday morning as proper covid-19 precautions had to be followed,” Superintendent Mubaiwa said.

He also said the police roped in the services of members from the Kwekwe District Covid19 taskforce committee to ensure safety precautions are observed in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

The police also revealed that the deceased had no relevant particulars for positive identification, adding that in such instances, they were left with no option but to conduct a pauper’s burial.
