A kombi driver has been arrested on charges of raping a female police officer, as confirmed by a memo from Nembudziya Police Station. The incident reportedly occurred on February 13th around 1 am. Allegedly, the driver, Tichaona Chariwa, aged 37, attempted to rape a female constable, aged 36, after she asked him to pick her up from her homestead to ferry her to Kadoma with his kombi.

According to reports, upon arriving at the officer’s homestead, she was not yet ready, so she asked Chariwa to wait outside. However, he allegedly entered her room, grabbed her from behind, and attempted to assault her. The officer resisted, pushing him away and hitting him with her elbow. Chariwa then allegedly left briefly but returned, forcing his way back into her house. Subsequently, he allegedly pushed her onto the bed and raped her despite her resistance.

The next day, the victim confided in her colleague about the incident and subsequently reported it to the police, leading to Chariwa’s arrest. The matter is under investigation by the authorities.