Kasukuwere given $300 bail

Kasukuwere given $300 bail

Former cabinet minister, Saviour Kasukuwere, who was arrested this morning and immediately taken to court on charges of violating the Immigration Act, has been granted a $300 bail by a Harare magistrate, Mrs Josephine Sunday.

Kasukuwere, who returned last week after more than six months in self imposed exile outside the country, was arrested for unlawfully exiting the country.

Kasukuwere is among members of the G40 cabal that went into hiding outside the country following Operation Restore Legacy that was instituted by the Zimbabwe Defence Forces last November.

Another member and Kasukuwere’s brother, Dickson Mafios, was on Wednesday sentenced to 11 months in prison with an option of a fine over the same offence.

Mafios (51) of Plot Number 2, Insingizi Farm, Bindura, was convicted on his own plea of guilty when he appeared before Bindura magistrate, Mrs Vongai Guwuriro yesterday.

He was eventually sentenced to six months in jail with an option to pay a fine of $300, while the other five months were suspended on condition that he does not commit a similar offence in the next five years. zbc