Exiled and disqualified presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere has disclosed what he was ordered by the late former President Robert Mugabe.

Mugabe died a bitter man in 2019 after he was toppled by one of his most trusted lieutenant Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa with help from the military.

Remembering four years after his passing on, Kasukuwere says he was ordained to deal with Mnangagwa once he starts mishandling the country.

“President Mugabe, 4 years ago the Lord called you. In your words you said, ‘if they do this fight them’. We will not be cowed. Gushungo RIP,” he says.

Kasukuwere, the former ZANU PF National political commissar and Central Intelligence Operative is on record saying he will deal with Mnangagwa and remove him from power.

Kasukuwere says his fight against Mnangagwa is high level politics, grudge match; adding that the two know each other.

“It’s our sacred duty to stand up against tyranny and defy all its machinations. Zimbabwe is our country and we have to fight for our freedoms and rights. Let’s expose the depth of capture and reverse it! This can’t continue! In the name of the Lord, Enough is Enough,” he says.
