Some netizens have taken team Saviour Kasukuwere to task for not endorsing Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa after their candidate was barred from contesting.

Kasukuwere was barred by the country’s courts from contesting in the forthcoming presidential elections citing breach of the Constitution by not having been in the country for 18 months prior to the polls.

Since Kasukuwere and his team has been claiming that Chamisa is not an enemy but an ally, some people thought after being barred, Kasukuwere was supposed to tell his supporters to vote for Chamisa instead.

As for now, this has not been the case, and netizens are questioning why.

Ethan Malibongwe Moyo says: “I was expecting you guys to endorse NC?”

Grace Madori says: “Hamusi kuda kusungura Zimbabwe ndave kutozviona maida kuti Kasukuwere apinde mutore futi zvevapfupi nekureba zvamanga majaira maG40 dai maida kusunungura Zimbambwe dai maisa support yenyu kumunhu arikudiwa nevanhu president CHAMISA.”

Dhewa Chenjerai says:
“2028 if you are serious kwete zvekumuka sehowa (mushroom) and overestimate your power. Enough time to restrategize. I encourage you to vote for change and endorse change.”

Enock Bere says: “Budai pachena vana Never tokuzivai, chingotiyi baba Mnangagwa tokumburawo ruregerero takanyangira yavona, vamunoti venyu ndivananiko, mvaa vaudzeyizvee vavhotere kamukomana, tikuzvambureyi mweshe.”

In response Kasukuwere’s Head of Marketing and Mobilisation Cde Never Maswerasei said:

“No endorsement of anyone. I am sorry that your expectations were not met.

“Our supporters will know what to do.”

Meanwhile, Kasukuwere campaign team chairperson Walter Mzembi is on record hinting that they would support whoever remains in the ring against Mnangagwa.

Apparently, Kasukuwere and Mnangagwa have a grudge match to settle dating from the G40, Team Lacoste factional wars.

Kasukuwere was reportedly poised to succeed late former President Robert Mugabe however Mnangagwa outwitted him and used the military to take the throne.

However, Kasukuwere is refusing to throw in the towel, saying the battle has just started adding that he will definitely remove Mnangagwa from power with or without elections.

Mnangagwa seems to be afraid of Kasukuwere who reportedly command a huge following within ZANU PF (G40 remnants currently within the ruling party).
