Winky D born Wallace Chirimuko has released a ‘controversial’ track titled “kudira jecha” mocking at the same time blaming Mnangagwa’s Zanu PF government for the current economic sufferings being experienced in the country, in a way siding with MDC Alliance President Nelson Chamisa who is synonymous with the words “tozvidira jecha.”

Undoubtedly the best Zimdancehall artist the country has ever produced in the land, born and bred in the ghetto of Highfield, Harare where he probably encountered first hand some of the issues he sings, Winky D is not shy to expose them at any cost, even endangering his life in some instances.

Part of the lyrics goes like,” “Corruption Jecha, clinic isina medicine jecha, nzara palocation jecha, Gaffa rese take action….”

“Zvinhu zvakatinya tinya pakuda ginya ginya hapisikuda zvemassage … aka song kejecha”

In some of the lines Winky D is challenging people to take action against problems bedeviling them and not to relax waiting for change which might never happen.

The dancehall chanter tries to juxtapose words in such a way that even Zanu PF supporters are bound to fall in love with the satirical song.

The latest track Kudira Jecha is already making waves, especially with Winky D’s creativity by the way he plays around with the word “jecha” linking it to Larfage cement and people’s problems.

For MDC supporters it’s an obvious early christmas present from Winky D, as the song articulates well their issues, probably on the November 29 planned demonstration it will be their hit song.

Winky D has been a critic of Zanu PF over the past years with some of his tracks having been censored, at some point he was forced to change lyrics on one of tracks which originally went like, “takavhota asi pakashaya akaruza…”

The yesteryear hit track, sung after the disputed 2008 elections in which Zanu PF forced itself into power saw the lyrics removed.

However, Winky D has refused to live in his past as he notoriously continues to question the status quo, before elections he sang a track titled “parliament” in which he suggests that the country needed new generation if it was to move forward, dumping the old folks, majority of them which are from Zanu PF.

“Winky D is a legend, his creativity is masterclass he has been here for more years than any dancehall artist and he is still going, his latest offering Jecha is pristine but will it get him before the Commission?” said his avid follower.

He has separated himself from legends like Jah Prayzer who are perceived to be dining with the enemy.