HAS grace located Brazilian beauty Karoline Silva Mafra?

It appears her prayers might have been answered at a time she is stranded at Chikurubi Female Prison despite being acquitted of drug trafficking.

She needs help.

The Brazilian beauty was captured in a video, featuring Mai TT, while dancing with fellow inmates earlier this week.

She captured the hearts of many who wanted to find out what led to her incarceration.

It emerged she was acquitted of drug trafficking after a full trial in July last year but she has no passport to go back home.

The travel document, and lack of funds to book an air ticket, has seen her spending almost a year behind bars.

Karoline could have left Harare long back to be with her family.

Her plight came to light after we published our world exclusive story on Mai TT behind bars where her images captured the hearts of many.

While some social media users had a field day poking fun at her, a number of our readers want Karoline helped to go back home.

There is no question that she urgently needs our help to be released from Chikurubi Female Prison.

Although she appears resigned to fate, it’s a fact that Karoline is not a convicted criminal.

Her case went through the justice system and she was found not guilty of the drug charges which had been preferred against her.

Of the three people, who were charged in her case, one was found guilty and is serving a five-year jail term.

Two were acquitted and, just like her other fellow suspect, who is now at home, she deserves to be home too.

And, it seems, that’s also the views of many of our readers.

The public has spoken and it’s now time for a way to be found to ensure that this Brazilian native finds a way back to her homeland.

She has spent almost 11 months behind bars.

Even those who have been convicted, and served jail terms, deserve another chance in life.

That is the whole purpose of prisons, to provide a rehabilitation home for those who would have erred so that they come back to society as better people.

Prisons are not just for punishment but to help those who commit crimes to realise the error of their ways and then have their mindsets shifted so that they can be better people.

Karoline is not a criminal because she was tried and found to be not guilty.

She deserves another chance to rebuild her life, back home in Brazil.

She won’t rebuild that life if she remains behind bars at Chikurubi Female Prison.

It appears grace has finally located her after her case crashed into the spotlight during our coverage of Mai TT as the socialite adjusts to life in prison.

Whatever mistakes Karoline made is something that she should deal with enjoying her freedom in her own country.
