By Kelvin Kasiwulaya

A Kadoma man was slapped with a six months prison sentence for stealing 24×50 kgs of shelled maize meant for Zanu-PF polling agents.

Polite Dozva (27) of house Number 30 paraffin road Rimuka appeared before Kadoma Resident Magistrate Takudzwa Gwazemba facing charges of unlawful entry and theft as defined in sections 131 and 113 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23).

Prosecuting, Herbert Ngezimani told the court that on August 30 at around 0400hrs the accused person and his accomplice still at large hatched a plan to steal and they teamed up and proceeded to Sarudzai hall where some bags of shelled maize meant for Zanu-Pf polling agents were kept.
The accused used an unknown object to break the lock securing the door and got into the hall.The accused and his accomplice who is still at large then stole 24×50 kgs of shelled maize and loaded them into a push cart.

As fate would have it,the caretaker at Sarudzai Hall was notified by a Guardian Security guard who was nearby and alerted members of the public who helped him to arrest the accused who were now pushing the push-cart away.

Sensing danger the accused’s accomplice ran away leaving the accused behind and subsequently apprehended by the complainant and members of the public.

Only four bags were recovered.

Sentencing Magistrate Gwazemba slapped Dozva with a six month prison sentence.