By Samson Muchirahondo

The beer retail business recently came to a standstill in Kadoma as the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) raided and confiscated beer from unlicenced operators.

A snap survey done by this reporter showed that most beer outlets in Kadoma’s Central Business District were closed and most of the operators lamented the confiscation of their stocks by members of the ZRP.

“We are closed for now, our stock was taken away by the police, our liquor licence expired in June and we were in the process of renewing our papers,”said Shamiso Marere a cashier who works at Merkshep Bar.

Another cashier at Specks Hotel Bar Clayton Kasipo noted that they had not renewed their liquor licence hence the police took the last four crates of their stock.

This comes at a time when the officer commanding Kadoma Chief Superintendent Garikai Gwangwava launched an operation aimed to end the menace of shebeens in the City of Gold.

Commenting, Chief Superintend Gwangwava said all alcohol outlets operating without valid liquor licences shall have all their stock confiscated.

“Those engaging in alcohol retail without liquor licences shall face the full wrath of the law, their stocks shall be confiscated and auctioned.

“We are very much aware of such illegal operations especially those scattered around Kadoma’s Gold fields. We are however proud to say that we will not hesitate to arrest shabeen owners,” he said.

He also noted that, illegal beer outlets have been sources of criminal activities such as rape, murder and assaults.

“Shabeens account for most of the murder cases committed in Kadoma Policing District. The provision of alcohol by these illegal outlets to artisanal miners makes them vicariously liable for crimes committed, shabeens have become a haven for criminal activity,” he said