In what has been described as a rare ruling, Justice Webster Chinamora, has ordered the release of MDC Alliance duo Joana Mamombe and Cecilia Chimbiri on $10k bail each.

This came after hearing both sides of the arguments by the National Prosecuting Authority and the duo’s lawyers.

The judge slashed the refusal of bail by magistrate Stanford Mambanje.

Law officer Nyahunzvi from NPA had opposed the admission to bail of Mamombe & Chimbiri & insisted that Magistrate Mambanje didn’t misdirect himself when he denied them bail last week.

However, their lawyer Charles Kwaramba told Justice Chinamora that Mamombe & Chimbiri ought to be released from prison on bail so as to assist in decongesting prisons & to also allow the duo to be treated by doctors as they were arrested just after consulting their doctor.

Kwaramba also told Justice Chinamora that if granted bail, his clients will be available to stand trial & says his clients have no propensity to commit offences as stated by Magistrate Mambanje last week.
