Celebrity journalist Hopewell Chin’ono has warned the Nelson Chamisa led Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) not to take the re-admission of exiled former cabinet minister Jonathan Moyo into ZANU PF again.

Chin’ono says Moyo will push the ruling party’s propaganda machine and draft its manifesto ahead of the much anticipated polls set for 2023.

“The official readmission of Jonathan Moyo into ZANU-PF is not a laughing matter for CCC.

“Jonathan will write the ZANU-PF manifesto and will have access to 16 radio stations.

“Radio is the main form of communication in Zimbabwe.

“All CCC leaders must use social media daily or fall!”

Over the years, Moyo was credited of being ZANU PF’s propaganda grandmaster.

Moyo recently wrote a letter of apology to the ruling party, which was warmly received by ZANU-PF.
