United Kingdom based Zimbabwean lawyer Brighton Mutebuka says former cabinet minister Jonathan Moyo and self styled Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Secretary General Sengezo Tshabangu are playing dangerous political game over the Lobengula cartoon.

Mutebuka says Moyo and Tshabangu are playing with the people’s emotions, warning that this would have far reaching implications.

He says while the publication that generated the cartoon has apologized, President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has never apologized for butchering Ndebeles during the Gukurahundi.

“You and Tshabangu are playing a dangerous political game. You are playing with people’s emotions and your antics are clearly provocative and their effects will be far reaching – straddling many generations.

“Under your political stewardship, Tshabangu falsely claimed to be seeking to address long simmering regional grievances & to ringfence his shenanigans to that region only but what did he do? Using what mandate?

“So the cartoon should rightly be condemned but alongside you & Tshabangu for the roles that you have played in creating conditions which have provoked,” he says.

Mutebuka writes:

  1. There can be nothing more incendiary than an undeserving individual who seeks to exploit & profit from an incident where agency only exists by reason of being contrived.

  2. You are clearly pulling Tshabangu’s strings in the background & working to unashamedly advance the current incumbent’s political agenda.

  3. It is a matter of public record that the party that you currently support and its leader stand accused of having committed egregious human rights violations against the same region during Gukurahundi & carrying out decades long policies which marginalise, offend, humiliate and discriminate against the region, amongst other things, to such an extent that some accuse it of treating them as second class citizens.

  4. Is there any more contempt that can be displayed against a people than joining hands with a much despised incumbent to criminally reverse their electoral & democratic choices via the representatives that they elected in Parliament to replace them with the regime’s to facilitate an extended stay in power?

  5. @ZimDaily is a corporate body & separate legal personality with the capacity to sue and be sued in its own name. It has rightly taken responsibility for its oversight committed in a febrile political environment.
    @CCCZimbabwe’s agency has not been established in your rant.

  6. The idea that the threshold for establishing agency in this context can simply be met on the basis of an editorial policy which is favourable to a political organisation or any other entity is desperately shallow, misinformed, mischievous and preposterous.

  7. You should be appreciative of the fact that @ZimDaily has apologised. When was the last time you demanded an apology from ED? Have you apologised for your long & destructive association with ZANU PF?

  8. Do you take responsibility, via your role in Tshabangu’s revolting saga – for causing rancour, division & disaffection across the national divide?

  9. Is it not you & Tshabangu who have sought to whip the Matabeleland region into a frenzy on account of false charges of fighting in its corner when you are pursuing narrow & selfish personal interests on behalf of the current regime?

  10. I am putting it to you that you are exploiting genuine grievances from the region, gas lighting them & using them as a Trojan Horse (while hoodwinking any gullible folks from the region who are prone to be emotive due to the sensitivity of the subject) to try & destroy
    @CCCZimbabwe for the regime’s benefit.

  11. Those who are truly concerned about national healing, unity and integration will see through this desperate and shallow political stunt for what it is – which is to drive a wedge between
    @CCCZimbabwe and its Matabeleland base on the premise that it endorses the undertones portrayed by the cartoon / caricature.

  12. You and Tshabangu are playing a dangerous political game. You are playing with people’s emotions and your antics are clearly provocative and their effects will be far reaching – straddling many generations.

  13. Under your political stewardship, Tshabangu falsely claimed to be seeking to address long simmering regional grievances & to ringfence his shenanigans to that region only but what did he do? Using what mandate?

  14. So the cartoon should rightly be condemned but alongside you & Tshabangu for the roles that you have played in creating conditions which have provoked many peace loving Zimbabweans.

Their ire should only be directed against you & Tshabangu, not the whole region! You clearly thrive on Schadenfreude. History has got a long memory.

You will be held to account for your actions when the time comes! We will see if this sycophancy will be adequate to earn safe passage to Vene’s Kingdom!