National Constitutional Assembly leader Lovemore Madhuku says Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) deputy chairperson Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole are being persecuted because CCC leader Nelson Chamisa declined to join the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD).

POLAD was instituted by President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa as a platform for principals who participated in the 2018 elections.

“The issues of Job Sikhala and others could have been resolved by a dialogue process.

“The CCC members are now victims of their political party that refuses to dialogue and refuses to be part of POLAD,” Madhuku said.

He was speaking in an interview with Citizens Voice Network adding that:

“I think that if there were issues to deal with the perception that is coming out strongly that this is a political persecution,” said the NCA leader.

Meanwhile, CCC vice president Tendai Biti blasted Madhuku:

“Lovemore Madhuku s remarks are shocking and regrettable. They are so outrageous in their defiance of logic.

“They however confirm the capture of and weaponization of the law in Zimbabwe A sad indictment of the regime.”
