Children of War Veterans (COZVWA) has made claims that Jim Kunaka is working with senior ZANU PF officials and former party political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere to topple President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.


Citing leaked documents, COZVWA said Kunaka is a serious threat to Mnangagwa.


“Leaked secret documents from Zanu-pf Harare Province saying Cde Jimu Kunaka is a serious threat who is working with some unmentioned PB, Provincial, DCC members & Kasukuwere to unseat President Mnangagwa,” posted COZVWA.

Kunaka, a former ZANU PF Harare Provincial Youth chairman, who fell from grace after late former President Robert Mugabe was toppled is mostly known for having led a violent youth group called Chipangano, which meted out violence on opposition party members in Harare.


In 2018, when he appeared before the Motlanthe Commission, Kunaka claimed that he had played a key role in violence meted out on MDC-T, especially during the 2008 elections.


He accused the army of killing people during the 1 August 2018 protests and urged the commission to consider ZANU-PF’s alleged history of violence.

However, he was readmitted into the ruling party.


In a statement confirming his return to ZANU PF he said:


“I was myopic and misled by anger and disgruntlement. I am a Zanu PF member to the core and no one can take it away from me. This is my decision and I am not influenced by anyone,” Kunaka told journalists in Harare.


“I am ready to work for the party as a messenger. I am ready to deliver. I am ready to work for the party to ensure Harare is back to Zanu PF.

Kunaka joined opposition politics in November 2017 after the military coup which ousted the late former President Robert Mugabe. He became a fierce government critic.