President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has allegedly confirmed his plans to remain in office past 2028, in a letter.

Speaking in a letter which is yet to be confirmed or denounced by relevant government departments, Mnangagwa said would respect people’s wishes for him to remain in office

However, commenting on the letter, team The Return of Kasukuwere says there is no smoke without fire.

“There is no smoke without fire. Another, seemingly, fake letter from state apparatus yakabva muhondo.

“Towards the removal of Mugabe, such things were happening & Mnangagwa would deny responsibility. I’m 120% sure that sooner or later, #TatambaZvakwana,” posted team Kasukuwere on X handle.

Commenting on the matter former Foreign Affairs Minister Walter Mzembi said:

“Just for emphasis , there is no pressing case or justification in these early days to extend the tenure of a man serving as President to 2030, who is in his 10th month of his third year term of 5 years!

“The remainder of the tenure he ursurped from Mugabe is counted as a term. Please focus on the current mandate, vanhu varikuchema nzara, mukaita makaro munorutsa.”

Of late ZANU PF has launched a witch-hunt for party officials who are issuing statements on its letterhead without authorisation.

It seems disgruntled party members have resorted to exposing the party rot through fake Press statements as the two factions — one reportedly aligned to Mnangagwa and the other to his deputy Vice-President Constatino Chiwenga — fight to out-manoeuvre each other.

Following the arrest of party spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa’s son Neville, Press statements purported to have been issued by Zanu PF have gone viral on social media, demanding investigation of Mnangagwa’s sons over alleged crimes of money laundering.

Neville was arrested for dealing in foreign currency and money laundering and contravening the Telecommunications Act after a Starlink router was recovered at his house on Thursday last week.

In one statement purported to have been issued by Mutsvangwa, he expressed his disgruntlement over the arrest of his son Neville, and threatened to expose Mnangagwa’s sons for various malpractices.
