The Civil Protection Unit (CPU) in Mash Central is alerting farmers and dwellers downstream of Iron Duke Dam along the Mazowe river that the dam has burst its wall and that they should remain cautious and prepare to move to higher ground.

The CPU says there is a higher than normal flow of water down the Mazowe river which could result in the destruction of property and calls on residents to remain vigilant.

Meanwhile, the current ongoing downpours in many parts of the country have led to rising dam levels. In Seke Harlam Dam and Prince Prince Edward are now spilling after many years of drought.

Recently, Tugwi-Mukosi, commissioned in May 2017, spilled for the first time, marking it a historic event.

The water body has never filled since its commissioning in May 2017.

This left at least 250 families in southern Chivi, Mwenezi and Chiredzi, downstream of the confluence of Runde and Tugwi rivers at risk of being severely affected.

The government had to set out camps to provide temporary shelter for families at Chingwizi Camp and Chilonga Secondary School.

In 2014 over 3 000 families together with their livestock were evacuated to Chingwizi in Mwenezi following flooding in the dam basin.
