Pics: Mnangagwa pulls out medication in front of Zanu-PF supporters

President Emmerson Mnangagwa might have a rigorous schedule but he doesn’t forget to look after his health.

The president was recently pictured taking tablets in front of supporters for an undisclosed medical condition during a Zanu-PF rally.

While it is not clear what the medication is for, some social media users have already concluded that ED Mnangagwa might be ‘rigging his own health’ for reasons best known to him ahead of crucial elections.

Said one user:

“What if he is taking performance enhancements, these rallies are too much for a 74 year old.****-***-***(sensored) 48 children is no joking matter, shame.”

Another said:

The president is not feeling okay, Mnangagwa it taking medication to relieve high levels of stress. Surely Chamisa is giving Mnangagwa headaches, the junta is restless. Mugabe had stress. Rigging gives stress becoz its not easy. It requires too much effort & skill to execute it without getting caught. Rigging may also not be enough. Didn’t you see Bob touring the whole country doing more rallies than ED despite his advanced age & failing health.”