Harare West legislator Joana Mamombe says she will be stepping down from parliament as soon as she returns from South Africa.

In a public statement, Mamombe said she will be stepping down from parliament in protest with self styled Citizens Coalition for Change secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu’s appointment.

Below is her statement. Dear Harare West,

I hope this message finds you well.

The recent developments in Parliament have been rapid & unexpected. What transpired yesterday in the House has come as a complete shock to me.

I am currently in South Africa visiting a friend in the hospital battling with Cancer.

It is with a heavy heart that I address the attempts by some within the democratic space to use these parliamentary events to discredit me.

Let me be clear: Tshabangu is an imposter and is not my leader.

I unequivocally REJECT his appointment as Chairperson of the Environment Committee.

I have been serving in this post since October 12th, 2023 following my appointment by President Chamisa.

In light of these recent developments, I find it necessary to step down from my parliamentary position.

I believe it is best to allow those who deem Tshabangu fit to take my place.

While I am away, my team in Zimbabwe is organizing a formal rejection letter to be submitted to Parliament this afternoon.

Thank you

Yours in service,

Joana Mamombe