Following the tragic passing of her daughter, Memory Mukanairi found herself excluded from the details of the event and her daughter’s burial. Her relentless pursuit for transparency regarding the practices at Madzibaba Ishmael’s shrine brought her back to the compound, where a scheduled exhumation of her daughter’s remains was set to take place yesterday, as reported to H-Metro.

A planned exhumation of the deceased woman, whose case shed light on the activities of Madzibaba Ishmael’s sect, resulting in his arrest, did not proceed as scheduled in Nyabira yesterday. The family of the deceased, who passed away last November at the shrine and was interred without their knowledge, assembled at the compound in anticipation of the exhumation.

Madzibaba Ishmael was apprehended during a police operation earlier this week.

Memory Mukanairi, the mother of the deceased, expressed her desire to see her daughter’s remains, regardless of their state of decomposition. Her daughter, at the time of her passing, was 27 years old.

Mukanairi, who was married to Madzibaba Gideon, one of Madzibaba Ishmael’s key advisors, revealed:

“We were blindsided by her demise, learning of it through neighbors. Upon investigation, we were advised to exercise caution due to the reported aggression associated with the group. Their compound, named Canaan, operates under Ishmael’s authority, reaping all benefits for him.

“My daughter’s demise and burial were orchestrated by four unrelated individuals. We demand the exhumation of her remains; denied the opportunity to grieve, we seek closure from this indoctrination.”

Reflecting on her daughter’s birth circumstances, Mukanairi lamented:

“During my time in Nyabira with my husband, I facilitated my children’s birth certificates as we were restricted from medical facilities. The pain of losing my child during childbirth is compounded by thoughts of what might have been if I had been present to assist.”

Driven by unbearable anguish, Mukanairi detailed her distress:

“Upon visiting her burial site, the sight of the shallow grave left me distraught, doubting its capacity to accommodate an adult. Today, we arrived with the hope of a dignified exhumation and necessary examinations. It appears we must wait for developments.”

Mukanairi recalled her departure from Madzibaba Ishmael’s group, prompted by false accusations regarding the demise of one of her stepchildren:

“When my husband remarried, accusations surfaced regarding my involvement in the death of his child. Despite my maternal care, I was wrongfully blamed.”

Regarding Madzibaba Gideon, his brother expressed concerns over their lack of communication since his association with Madzibaba Ishmael’s church:

“We are present today to reclaim our child, unaware of her passing and burial. How can one’s kin remain stoic in such circumstances? We yearn for closure as a family.”

However, Madzibaba Gideon refuted claims made by his ex-wife, asserting that their daughter received a proper burial following her passing due to food poisoning. Accusing Memory of slander, he defended his reputation and that of their church.
