Norton Independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa says incidents of armed robbery have reached unprecedented levels, adding that the country has seen the army being deployed to maintain regulations during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, can’t the same be done to deal with these armed robbers who are wreaking havoc?

He adds: “If @PoliceZimbabwe do not have the capacity, can’t the army step in to ensure safety in the country before things degenerate even further? Zimbabwe is generally a peaceful country, but this peace is being shattered by these criminals. Who will invest under such conditions?”

Apparently, Mliswa says the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) is lacking good leadership and are currently failing dismally to maintain order in the country.

He says former police boss Augustine Chihuri was a better leader despite him have had been fingered in corrupt activities, adding that the current Commissioner General Godwin Matanga is a failure.

“Chihuri with all his shortcomings and corruption, nevertheless ran a tight ship and the police were a force to reckon with. Something clearly lacking with today’s crop,” he says.

Mliswa proposes that the military should instead chip in to assist curb criminal acts.

“The Police and Army should strategically monitor some of these service stations. Where are you Army when you are needed? You’re the last line of defence.

“Unfortunately the Police don’t have a leader in Matanga and are failing dismally to maintain order,” he adds.
