Image..zimceleb: Handirarame nezvikwereti I work hard for my money . You have no idea how if feels to use all your savings expecting to be paid back then you get angry when delayed . Your anger becomes the topic but what triggered it ?? In this life I’m owing nobody , but all I can say I lost all I sweat for because of trust. I have a big heart wich loves too much .
Trusts too much but each time I do , I get hurt .
I will teach my heart to be heartless that is the only way I can protect it from harm .
So many people texting me and saying how much are you owing we can help ? Thank you but I’m not owing anybody I’m supposed to be paid back but nobody is willing to . Wich is ok . God will pay me back. I have always cried to him and he replaces what has been taken and in most cases he returns it double.
I’m speaking from a very broken heart and of course nobody cares most would say wakaura but you will also know how it feels to be crucified for being kind . Betrayed by someone you truly believed in , someone who is supposed to defend you but rather will throw you to the wolves , because I have a temper , I’m seen as crazy but what caused the temper nobody cares 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. When you are loud you are always wrong even deep down they know you are right .
I hate myself for being me , I wish I would pretend to be who I’m not but unfortunately I can’t change me .
Oneday when I’m gone some people will realize oh she was not so bad after all.
Chokwadi hacho chinhu chisisadiwe muvanhu.
Unogona kubetsera munhu out of a good heart but kana zvaoma wawakabetsera anoita seasingakuzive, Jesu chaiye akarambwa nemunhu waakafamba naye kusvika murufu, waaironga naye achidya naye, achiseka naye asi nguva yaaingodawo kunzi ayiwa ndinomuziva ,akarambwa pachena.
Kana munhu akawirwa nedambudziko womubetsera nemoyo wese orega kuzokurangarira paakange akaomerwa, ozamao kutaura kuti ndakamirawo nemunhu uyu, poshaya anokunzwa, munhu wacho otokurasira nyaya nepo wakaita zvinhu nemoyo wese.
Tinogona kuona zvirikunze kwemoyo asi zvirikumoyo Mwari anoziva hake. Tinogona kurwa tikasakunda asi Mwari anoona hake.
Kazhinji kacho ndinokurirwa nehasha, ndoda kudururura zvinenge zviripamoyo asi ndorangarirazve ndiyani achandinzwa ini ndakakomberedzwa nevanhu varikutsvaga kuparara kwangu??
Pakadzika dzika pemoyo wangu, ndiri munhu anemoyo wakanaka, asingatarise zvizhinji pavanhu anongovada sezvavari asingatombotarisireo kurwadziswa in return. Haungazive zviri mumoyo wemunhu waunoti ndewako ende uchiita chinhu unoita nemoyo wese.
Handingati ndiri munhu asingarwadziwe, ndinotorwadziwa ndosaka ndichitsamwa asi ndichakumbira Mwari andidzikamise pahasha dzangu, Chero ndirikurwadziwa ndichafa nemarwadzo acho.
Handingatizve ndinonatsa nguva dzose asi kazhinji kacho ndinokanganisirwa ndisina chandatadza .
Dzimwe nguva hondo haipedzwi nehondo. Asi kana kudenga kunaMwari anoziva zvakavanzika achandirwira hondo dzangu.
Remekedza munhu akakufukidzira pamazuva awaive usina nguwo usati nekuti wakukwanisa kuzvishongedza odadira akakuyambutsa. Kazhinji kacho kumberi uko unozomurangarira .
Kusvika pandave nhasi NdiMwari akandisvitsa zvakaoma, zvakadii akandiratidza kuti hupenyu hunotoendeka asi hausi nyore.
Mai TT