Education is essential for everyone. Yet, sometimes even people who enjoy learning feel that they cannot do it anymore, and the only thing they want to do is to start watching movies on Netflix, soccer betting, or chatting with friends. But these tips will help you study better and spend less time on it.

Define the Goal

Many of us tend to have a vague idea of the goal we want to see at the end of our training. This prevents us from assessing our effectiveness – how fast we are progressing toward our goal. If we do not see the result, then our motivation will decrease, and therefore the body will sabotage all our efforts. This is how fatigue appears.

To clearly see the desired goal, write down the final result and the step-by-step actions to be performed. Check your list and adjust it if necessary. Each time you cross off another item from your plan, you will see the goal coming closer.

Study challenging topics at the beginning of the day.

Make a study plan for yourself and identify the most challenging topics. By starting with the topics that will require more effort, you will see results in the first stages, and this will give you the strength to learn the planned volume. Usually performance is higher in the first half of the day, so it is easier to complete the most difficult assignments in the morning.

Try to study to establish a habit. This makes it easier for you to start studying and not be distracted by chatting with friends or reading social media.

Study With Friends

Finding like-minded people for yourself can be a good incentive for everyone involved in learning. The slight competitive effect that occurs in learning together will not let you relax.

In this situation, it is important to find friends with whom you share the same views on learning. Shared interests and opportunities to ask questions and have discussions will make learning interesting and fun. You can turn your studies into a game, which will immediately eliminate boredom and fatigue.

Remember About Physical Activity

This tip is especially important for distance learning. When you are your own boss, both excessive attention to your studies, which leads to burnout.

Procrastination is a difficult phenomenon to deal with. Surely you remember instances when instead of studying, time was spent browsing social media, doing small and unimportant household chores. Procrastination is considered a disease of our century.

Do not forget about fitness and regular daily walks. At first glance it may seem that the more attention is paid to study, the more information you can remember.

This is a misconception because the brain gets tired and cannot assimilate new knowledge. Your memory becomes like a leaky sieve where nothing sticks. Changing activities is useful because physical activity stimulates the brain and makes learning productive.

Sleep in the Afternoon

The natural response to fatigue is drowsiness. Yet, you shouldn’t fight it and deny yourself sleep. Of course, you should sleep at least 7-8 hours a night. You’d be surprised, but a child’s need for an afternoon nap will have a positive effect on the amount and quality of memorized material.

During sleep, knowledge is structured and goes into long-term memory. Even studying at college allows you to allocate 20-30 minutes for an afternoon nap.

Get Your Menu Right

It’s not uncommon for fatigue to result from a poorly designed menu. The quick carbohydrates found in sugary muffins, sodas, and snacks provide an instant burst of energy. But just as quickly the energy disappears, so there comes a decline in physical and psychological strength. A new batch of recharge is required, which will also be short-lived. And then another round, and another…

In order that food does not play a cruel joke with you, choose protein foods combined with slow carbohydrates. Meat, fish, and eggs are an essential source of protein for brain function. And the slow carbohydrates found in vegetables, cereals, and whole-grain breads will provide you with energy.

Try to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. Not feeling hungry or, conversely, overeating, will help you focus on your studies immediately after eating.

Get a Reward

When setting a goal, choose a small gift for yourself. A favorite game, a meeting with friends in a cafe, or just a big cone of chocolate ice cream – anything can be a reward for diligent study. Anticipation of pleasant emotions will help you stay focused and persevere toward your goal.