The body of an infant suspected to have been dumped by the mother has been found floating and in a state of decomposition in Mazowe River, national police authorities have confirmed.

According to the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), the deceased infant who was discovered Wednesday this week has since been taken to a mortuary in Beatrice for purposes of carrying out a postmortem.

In comments posted on the ZRP handle on Twitter, the police said:

“On 23/03/22, ZRP Beatrice recorded a case of suspected infanticide where a decomposing body of an infant (approximately 3 days old) was found floating along Mazowe River, Beatrice. Meanwhile, the body was taken to Beatrice Rural Hospital mortuary for post mortem”.

Since time immemorial, Zimbabwe has continued to express serious problems of infanticide, sometimes referred to as baby dumping in the society

Statutory provisions for the offence of concealing the birth of a child is in contravention of s 106(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23] (The Criminal Code).
