Renowned investigative journalist, Hopewell Chin’ono is appearing at Harare Magistrates Court this afternoon, where Magistrate Muchuchuti Guwuriro will hand down her ruling on an application for an exception to charges of incitement to commit public violence.

The application was on his behalf filed by lawyers Beatrice Mtetwa, Gift Mtisi and Douglas Coltart from the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR).

The freelance journalist pleaded not guilty on Monday when his trial commenced.

ZLHR says in his application excepting to the charges, Chin’ono argued that he is a journalist who has constitutionally protected rights to practice his profession & is allowed to disseminate information.

Chin’ono denies that he committed a prosecutable offence & he will contend that his arrest, detention & prosecution constitute a gross violation of his rights as a journalist in addition to being a gross abuse of the criminal justice system.

Prosecutors claim that Chin’ono, who was arrested in July 2020, incited people to commit public violence through his Twitter handle in July 2020 ahead of the 31 July 2020 anti-corruption protests.

Meanwhile, another case is taking place at Harare High Court, were Harare Residents filed an application in 2020 seeking an order to force @cohsunshinecity & central govevrnment to establish a public primary school in Tynwald South high-density suburb & ensure that children access basic state funded education.

ZLHR lawyers have asked the court to release funds from the Beer Levy for the construction of a council-run primary school.

Saying over the years, children from low income families in Tynwald have been commuting to neighbouring Kuwadzana & Dzivarasekwa suburbs to access affordable educational facilities which resulted in overburdening existing schools & endangering children.
