Live News, Pictures, Latest Updates from Zimbabwe..Harare Riots.. Demonstrations
After Beitbridge fire, the war is now in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital.
Today Harare suburbs witnessed violent protests that have left hundreds of Harare city-bound travellers stranded as bus drivers fought running battles with police over the increasing number of roadblocks.
Police fired teargas while rioters fought back with stones.
Roads have been closed with rocks and tyres set on fire.
Zimbabwe Situation Today,Key issues:
- Commuter Bus Operators, motorists fed up with police roadblocks, losing thousands in bribes, protection payments
- Beitbridge riots spreading into the rest of Zimbabwe
- Civil servants not been paid(apart from soldiers and police), salaries delayed(strike tomorrow)
- Increase in hashtag solo protesters demanding new government
- Anger over cash crises, banks run out of $US money, token money known as bond notes ready but government hesitant to issue it fearing it might cause chaos and the unthinkable reporters witnessed violent street protests as angry commuter omnibus drivers fought running battles with police over the increasing number of roadblocks.
A source in Zimbabwe’s police told our journalists that they are fully stretched and they have to rely on other support units from nearby cities to deal with a potentially volatile situation.
“As we speak the flames of protests have spread to locations outside Harare and is very live in Harare’s Ruwa, Mabvuku/Tafara, Hatfield and Epworth in the south-east of the capital,”said Meynard, a Harare trader.
Amidst this turmoil there are unconfirmed reports that rioters are shouting the now popular hushtags #Dowm with Mugabe #Mugabe Must Fall.
Some observers who spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity expressed concern that Zimbabwe is now firmly ‘back to stone age’ and on the brink of implosion with protests exploding on a regular basis.
After the historic Beit-Bridge riots last week, civil servants are planning the father of all demonstrations tomorrow late payment of salaries.
Pictures of Harare Riots

Harare Zimbabwe Riots

Zimbabwe Police beating a protester in Epworth, Harare

Harare Violence
Solo protesters now a menance to Zanu PF, Zimbabwe police
Last week a former Zanu PF youth leader Acie Lumumba(now in hiding) did the unthinkable when he insulted President Mugabe with F-word.
There are now so many cases of these lone wolves who are doing all they can to make the world know they are fed up with Zanu PF and Mugabe’s leadership.
Among them is #thisflag Pastor, a Kariba based church leader who is on a prayer and fasting program code named #Mugabe Must Fall.
There are many others mostly rebel Zanu PF card carrying members who are demanding that #Mugabe Must Go as soon as yesterday.
Below are photos of a Mugabe Must Fall solo protester walking in the streets of Zimbabwe