Harare Quarry, a subsidiary of the Harare of City has pledged to utilise various water suppression methods to suppress dust emissions that result in pollution and to use shock tubes and auto stemming blasting to minimise noises vibrations.

Harare Quarry says it seeks to co-exist in harmony with residents of Arcadia suburb & not to infringe on residents’ right to a safe & healthy environment as enshrined in the Constitution.

This follows a 7 day ultimatum issued by the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights on behalf of Arcadia residents, for Harare Quarry to stop dust & noise pollution at its Crusher Plant emanating from its blasting activities.

The residents said their lives was being put at risk after inhaling dust which is detrimental to their health & well-being.

Residents said the blasting activities are causing earth tremors which are damaging their houses through the emergence of cracks on the walls.

As stated by the ZLHR, elderly residents say they are suffering shocks as a result of the tremors from Conversation

Residents represented Tinashe Chinox of ZLHR asked Harare Quarry to publish a timetable of any intended blasting activity, clearly stating the day & time of each blast.

As well as adopt dust suppression methods in order to mitigate the level of dust pollution, adopt the use of silent blasting technology to mitigate noise pollution.

The Harare Quarry was also asked to cordon off roads situated to close the quarry during blasting & keep reasonably sufficient distance between the blasting site & residential houses.
