Shakespeare Muzavazi
A 28 year old man from Mkoba Gweru who robbed a man of $50 in a dispute over a $1 he was owed for polony was this week jailed to three years after being convicted of robbery.

Shaibu Hamisi of Mkoba 2 searched Clever Dahula’s trouser pockets before robbing him of $50.

Hamisi will however serve an effective two years and 11months in jail after Gweru Magistrate Musaiona Shotgame suspended one year on condition of good behaviour.

A further one month’s suspended on condition that Hamisi pays restitution to Dahula.

The court heard that on the 24th of April 2017 at around 10pm, the accused was in the company of his friend at Mkoba shopping centre.

The accused saw Dahula and started accusing him of not paying $1 for polony he had given him earlier on.

A misunderstanding arose between the two  men and Hamisi grabbed Dahula by the neck before tripping him to the ground.

Hamisi then removed Dahula’s shoes, searched his trouser pockets before robbing him of $50 and fled from the scene.
Dahula later reported the matter to the police leading to Hamisi’s arrest.