The founder of Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA) Ezekiel Guti is celebrating 100 years today.

Guti was born in Ngaone, in Chipinge Manicaland Province on 5 May 1923.

This milestone has sparked excitement among his followers and admirers worldwide.

The centenary celebrations are expected to be an incredible tribute to his remarkable life, works and his immense contribution to the Christian faith.

Over the years, Archbishop Guti has earned a reputation as a unique bondservant of God, who has dedicated his life to serving the Lord and spreading the gospel.

His passion for God’s work has led him to build churches and train pastors globally.

Under his leadership, ZAOGA Forward in Faith has grown to become one of the most prominent churches in Africa, with branches worldwide.

Archbishop Guti’s work in the church community has gone beyond spiritual matters, as he has been an advocate for education and entrepreneurship.

Guti recently explained his trick for longevity.

“The secret to long life is fearing God, staying in his word and letting God use you in the way he likes. For young people to stay long they should keep a clean mind and heart and stay away from women.

“They should forgive people and not keep grudges. It’s the word of God that makes me strong. It’s in the Bible that the word of God can help you resist sickness if you stay in. Read in the book of Romans it says the Holy Spirit will protect your body.

“A lot of people ask my children what my diet is. Of course I eat right but the secret is not just in eating, I also exercise a lot. Every morning I jog for about an hour and that helps keep my body strong.

“My number one diet is the word of God, forgiving people and not keeping grudges. I’m in God’s arms and I always strive to do his will. That has made me live this long,” he said.
