In a saddening development, a 33-year old Masvingo man whose brother committed suicide, reportedly struck and seriously injured his sister-in-law with a machete accusing her of causing the death.

As the Mirror reported, the man, Vito Kuiparima from Mashava Village under Chief Charumbira appeared before Masvingo Magistrate Bishard Chineka last week facing attempted murder charges.

It is reported that on May 30 ,2022, at around 9:30pm, Kuiparima arrived at the complainant’s homestead where the complainant’s husband had passed on after committing suicide.

In a fit of rage, the accused reportedly went straight into the room where the complainant was with other mourners, uncovered her blanket and punched the complainant twice on the face with clenched fists accusing her of causing the death of his brother.

Prosecuting, Ruvimbo Makoni told the court that mourners who were in the room refrained Kuiparima, who went outside.

30 minutes later, Makni said, Kuiparima returned armed with a machete and struck the complainant with it in the face causing a deep cut. Subsequently, Kuiparima was arrested after a report was made to the police.

The matter was postponed to July 28 ,2022 for judgement.
