Renowned Afro Jazz musician Jeys Marabini is not feeling well and President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa recently met and offered him word of encouragement.

Born Majahahodwa Ndlovu, Marabini recently revealed that he has been struggling with haemorrhoids for the greater part of the last ten years, apparently, according to him a recent scan also showed that he had an inflamed spleen.

He says in the past he has braved through the pain but, recently he had to shelf his guitar due to the growing pain and discomfort.

“We were taken by surprise at 11AM when kids came running into the house (Nkulumane in Bulawayo) to tell us that there were big cars outside and they were looking for me.

“I told them to let them in. The visitors came in and told me that they would come back at 4PM to collect me because I had to meet the President.

“I was really treated well and even at State House the hospitality was great. I didn’t even know how beautiful the State House is because I had never been inside.

“I was just surprised by the humbleness of the President and his concern for me.

“He did not have to host me, but he did. It made me feel that as a musician, I have an impact in his life and that of others,” he says.

The Kuzekulunge frontman has been in the game for a long time and he one of the country’s most celebrated artist.
