Dr Grace Mugabe warned Zanu PF supporters that there is every chance that Zimbabwe riots could turn deadly as seen in Arab Spring revolutions that toppled strongman and untouchables such as the late Libyan leader  Muammar Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.

Grace was making reference to Zimbabwe’s riots and strike that brought the country to a stand still last week.

Zimbabwe made history when its citizens braved tight security presence to stage one of the biggest strike that was marked by protests and demonstrations by different people and organisations in Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, beitbridge and other cities.

The riots were code named#Mugabe Must Go Now#Shutdown Zimbabwe.

Zanu PF was shaken to the extent that it had to conduct a series of soul searching panic meetings and kangaroo courts that led to the sacking of War Vets Minister Chris Mutsvangwa and 13 youth leaders who happened to be VP Mnangagwa’s allies.

“We must take a cue from what happened in Libya, Iraq, Egypt and other countries,” Grace warned her listeners at the  Zanu PF Harare inter-district meeting held this past weekend.

Meanwhile Mugabe has been warned by many analysts including religious leaders like Makandiwa that he should brace himself for more strikes and riots and even the unthinkable(military coup) if things do not improve in the troubled southern African country.