LATEST ! Grace Mugabe has now been ordered to report to SOUTH AFRICAN police over Gabriella Engels assault.

Zimnewsnet is reliably informed by Harare based government officials that Mrs Mugabe is now trying to flee the country and international media is camped at OR Tambo International Airport to witness free drama.

There are also reports that Grace is furious that the Zimbabwe Embassy officials in South Africa are ‘useless’ as they failed to use diplomatic immunity to shield her from arrest and prosecution.

South African officials have refused to speak on whether an arrest warrant is now in place.

Earlier we reported the unavailability of diplomatic immunity to Grace who did not visit the neighbouring country on official business.

A government official who refused to be named told zimnewsnet earlier today that Grace Mugabe could be in serious trouble as she was not in the country on official business and is not covered by diplomatic immunity, which is normally afforded to the spouse of a visiting head of state…. see below for more details


South Africa: Zimbabwe’s controversial First Lady Grace Mugabe is in trouble for attacking and injuring South African model Ms Gabriella Engel with an extension cord after finding her in a hotel with her sons, Robert Jnr, 25,  and Bellarmine Chatunga 21.

Both sons were allegedly drunk and unsteady on their feet after a long party.

Writing on Twitter, Ms Engels, a model from Johannesburg, claimed that the first lady attacked her while her ten guards looked on and did nothing to help her.

“What is a girl compared to a women beating you and 10+ body guards standing back leaving her to do this s***,” she wrote.

“She split my head open in 3 places with an extension cord and used the plug to hit me,” she added.

 Gabrielle’s mother Debbie Engels has said via social media that she is going to the police to lay charges of assault against Mrs Mugabe.

Zimnewsnet  is reliably informed that an assault charge was laid against Zimbabwean First Lady Grace Mugabe yesterday in Sandton and police investigations are already underway.

A government official who refused to be named told zimnewsnet that Grace Mugabe could be in serious trouble as she was not in the country on official business and is not covered by diplomatic immunity, which is normally afforded to the spouse of a visiting head of state.

It is not known whether she left South Africa after the alleged assault on Sunday night.

Gabriella Engels was in the company of two other young ladies who were not attacked during the fight.

A government source in Harare told this publication that Engels did not do herself any favours after she insulted and pushed Grace while saying ‘shut up old bit**h.’

“Nothing happened to her friends because they did not threaten Grace.

Engels was aggressive and said unprintable words to the boys’ mother resulting in Robert Mugabe Junior running away from the scene as he could not take what was happening in front of him. Chatunga tried to restrain his other but was too drunk at the time,”said the source on condition that his name is not mentioned.